
The Keurig Experience

Chloe Gordon10 Comments

This is my first year living in a sorority house, and let me tell you, it is probably the best part about my college experience so far. I’m not going to lie I was terrified about living in a house with 60 other girls. All I could picture was the inevitable drama, the never ending estrogen, the competition. But I’ve been living in the house for two-ish weeks and none of these “pictures” that were in my head are a reality. The only drama that I’ve experience so far is when one of my sisters is telling a dramatically hilarious story. Obviously there’s never ending estrogen, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. And competition? There’s absolutely none. Unless we’re having an improv dance competition, and in that case, competition is 100% welcome. 

I think one of the things I love most about the whole experience though is the fact that the girls in the house are literally my sisters, as cheesy as that sounds. We tease each other like sisters, we fight with each other like sisters, we laugh with each other like sisters, and we love each other like sisters. We also share and borrow like sisters. I’m pretty sure every outfit I’ve worn so far has included something from one of my sister’s closets. As I type this I’m sitting here in my roommate (and sister’s, obviously) sweatshirt. 

Recently, Keurig® sent me a ton of K-Cup pods and a Keurig® K250 brewer. Coffee is quite the commodity not only on college campuses, but within sorority houses. My K-Cup pods (especially the Green Mountain Coffee® Caramel Vanilla Cream and the Green Mountain Coffee® Classic Donut blend)  have been flying out of my room as quick as birds migrating to the south. A few of my sisters were hanging in my room just drinking coffee and chatting about our days, and I think it’s one of my new favorite memories. We started laughing so hard that my waterproof mascara was dripping down my face. Dripping. No joke. 

So sure, coffee is necessary for caffeine and your mental well-being while in college, but it’s the times around it that make it more of an experience and worthwhile. I’m so thankful that my Keurig® brewer is so compact and fits right in my room so I can have people over to just chat about their days. What's also great is the Keurig® Auto Delivery system so we'll never run out of our favorite K-Cup® pods or need to make a trip to the store when we want to relax and enjoy coffee time as sisters! How special is that? 

I have the Keurig® K250 brewer, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

Be sure to follow Keurig® on Instagram and Twitter 

Thanks for reading! 