

Thanksgiving Recipe Roundup

Chloe GordonComment

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it’s making me think about how fast these past few months have flown by. I mean, March seems like it was ten years ago, but July?? I swear it was just July fourth, like, yesterday. Since Thanksgiving is sneaking up on us faster than you can say “green bean casserole” I’ve decided to help you out in compiling a list of recipes that are bound to be a hit. I’m sure you have your ride or die recipes that your family makes every year, for us, it’s the stuffing and sweet potato casserole, but maybe this year you want to try something new out for those Friendsgiving festivities or smaller scale Thanksgiving dinners you’re having this year — I, for one, am going to miss my great aunt’s cranberry sauce. So good.

You can thank me later, or just say you’re thankful for this blog when you’re going around the table saying what you’re thankful for. Word of mouth advertising is what I’m going for here. Kidding…. kind of.

I’ve categorized the links based on the type of dish it is, but if you need me to point you in the direction of something specific, don’t hesitate to leave a comment! I’m no chef or recipe master so they’re all links to outside sources. Sharing the love! Some recipes might be classic Thanksgiving dishes and some might be a little different spin on Thanksgiving foods. Thanksgiving is all about appeasing the masses and staying away from politics, right? Right! Also, please note, I tried to list everything that seemed do-able for me. And I’m not a chef. I burn all pans and most foods, but these items all looked like something even I could manage. That being said, I’ve only shared sides and desserts. Turkey is something I just know I would never be able to manage alone.


Whew! That should at least cover a few of your bases. I’m not sure what I’ll be cooking this year, but I’m sure I’ll use this post as a toolkit if I need a few recipes handy. If you’re more in charge of the table scape and place settings than the actual cooking (aka me) I’ve linked a few cute items that I’m inspired by below.

That’s all for now! Stay tuned for Thanksgiving outfit ideas coming soon!
Thanks for reading!

free people

FASHIONChloe GordonComment

In one of my classes, we’ve been watching a movie called Searching for Sugar Man.  It’s a documentary about an underground — presumably dead — musician who lived his life not knowing that a bootleg copy of his music went viral in South Africa after someone brought it back from America. It’s a super great movie and I totally recommend it, but the reason I’m bringing it up isn’t to talk about the movie, but to talk about the lyrics within Sugar Man’s songs. 

I’m not really a music person. I love listening to music, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t know a lot of artists or song names, I just kind of listen to what I like when I’m feeling it, if that makes any sense at all. However, when I heard Rodriguez’s music I was infatuated. They’re just so poetic and perfect, and despite the fact of not being able to think of another adjective that starts with a P, I totally recommend you check out his stuff! Especially the songs “Sugar Man” and “I Wonder.”

Speaking of poetic and perfect things, can we take a moment to appreciate Free People clothes as of lately. They are seriously too perfect I can’t get over it — I mean check out how cool these leggings are. They’re the kind of clothes that you can throw on when you’re not feeling your prettiest and then feel transformed into a chic Pinterest person. So do yourself a favor and check out their newest stuff, you won't regret it. 

Oh and one more perfect thing? Marshall, the amazing person behind these pictures! He’s seriously so talented, and I feel lucky to have been able to shoot with him. Check out his Instagram if you're in need of some photographic inspiration, another thing you for sure won’t regret. 

outfit info:
tunic (c/o)  / grey hat  (c/o) / leggings (c/o) / black hat  

Thanks for reading! 

virtual closet

FASHIONChloe Gordon1 Comment

Finding an outfit before an 8am class is a challenge within itself. Finding a cute outfit before an 8am class is beyond challenging, it’s equivalent to running an ultra marathon with no prior training. In fact, if you look cute the day you have an 8am, you deserve an award (preferably a Starbucks with extra shots of whatever has the most caffeine). 

I happen to have an 8am three days of the week, and the struggle has been real as of lately. I decided I am going to make virtual outfits (because I can and it’s easier than buying new clothes) to prove to people that I know what cute outfits look like, I just don’t have the time or the money (thanks, college) to actually look put together on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. 

So here’s outfit number one. Also, mom, if you’re reading this, consider it a prequel to my birthday wish list (love you). 

1. jeans
2. sweater
3. backpack
4. shoes

Thanks for reading! 

an embarrassing story

RANDOM STUFFChloe GordonComment

I’m the queen of embarrassment. Not a day goes by where I don’t embarrass myself somehow, in someway, somewhere. It doesn’t matter if I’m with my best friend, my mom, my brother, a boy I have a crush on, or just by myself. I will embarrass myself. 

So with that being said, I have an embarrassing story to tell. Every time I post an embarrassing story on the internet, I ask myself why, but then I think it could make someone chuckle (and therefore make their day a little bit better) or someone can relate to me and make me feel like less of an embarrassment to society. Either way works, really. 

So, it all started Sunday morning. I woke up pretty early for a weekend, we’re talking 7am, and a boy on my floor also happened to be awake. We went outside to sit by the pond by our dorm so we could talk without waking everyone else in our dorm up, and while chatting, we decided that we should take a little drive up to the mountains by our college. I was super excited to get off campus for a little bit and explore the beautiful scenery up close, because I usually only stare at it from afar. 

So we then hopped in his car, took a pit stop at Starbucks for some breakfast, and then headed up the mountain, windows down, music playing. 

When we got there, we parked in a little parking lot and walked to the lookout point. It really wasn’t too far of a walk, but there were a ton of rocks that we had to climb over. I jokingly told my friend that if I hurt myself it was his fault.

We finally made it to the lookout point and sat and enjoyed the scenery. It seriously was prettier than anything I had ever seen before. After we finished taking in the beauty, we headed back to the car. 

I made it past the big rocks, and by the time I got to the little rocks I stopped paying attention because they really weren’t that intimidating. This was a big mistake. I ended up tripping on a little baby rock, falling to the ground, and severely hurting my ankle. 

I didn’t realize how badly I had hurt myself until I stood up. Luckily, my friend had taken my arm, because the second I stood up, I felt intense pain and all the blood rushed to my head. I then proceeded to faint. On top of my friend. 

I remember waking up sprawled across him wondering how the heck I ended up on the ground. I was absolutely mortified that I knocked him to the ground, but luckily he only ended up with a few scratches. 

So not only did I severely sprain my ankle, but I fainted on top of my friend. 

This story is so embarrassing that I feel like it will be one that I end up telling my kids and eventually my grandkids. Everything that could have gone wrong on our little adventure did go wrong. 

As I type this, three days later, I have a big boot on my foot and can barely walk across campus. Life is rough as a clumsy college student, let me tell you. 

Do you have any embarrassing stories that I need to hear about?
Thanks for reading! 

limited edition listerine bottle

FASHIONChloe GordonComment

There are cliché parts of every season that scream happiness and contentedness. 

In the summer time, it’s feeling of sand in your toes and salt in your hair. 

In the spring, it’s feeling the sun on your skin again for the first time in what seems like forever.

In the winter, it’s snuggling up in a big cozy blanket while sipping a delicious hot cocoa. 

But, in the fall, my favorite of all seasons, it’s flannel and plaid and leaves on the ground, and giggles, and blankets, and earlier sunsets. 

This is a sponsored post by Social Stars for LISTERINE®. #RinseMadeMad

Plaid just screams coziness, and well, homeyness. It’s just that thing that brings comfort to your life, effortlessly. I can’t put my finger on exactly what makes plaid so comforting, but there’s something about it, something special, that just makes it quintessential to the season. 

It feels like I was just at the pool, soaking up rays of sunshine and sipping cold lemonade. But, this morning, out of no where, the leaves were just on the ground. Fall appeared so quickly and suddenly and it makes me so happy that the seasons are finally shifting and another “new” is upon us. 

Speaking of new, LISTERINE® just released a new, limited edition, plaid bottle. LISTERINE® has always been a trendsetter. They're now taking it to a new level through a partnership with Target's Mad for Plaid collection. Find this awesome limited0edition bottle of LISTERINE® until October 31. It screams happiness, and all my friends are jealous of the fact that my LISTERINE® looks like it belongs hanging up in my closet. Seriously, who would have thought how much packaging could change the way you feel about rinsing your mouth.

That being said, run, don’t walk, to your local Target and pick yourself up a bottle. It’ll inspire you to have a more comfy fall and to break out the flannels and sweaters, even if it is still 80 degrees out. To find out more about LISTERINE® Brand products, visit www.listerine.comCartwheel Offer- 10% off, Buy 3 bottles get one free (in-stores) at Cartwheel.
Feel free to check out LISTERINE® on Facebook and Twitter as well. 

Also, side note, can we just talk about the pictures in this post for a minute? They're taken by a boy named Marshall who lives in my dorm. He is absolutely amazing with photography, and I'm just so impressed with his skill. College is so amazing, because it has allowed me to meet so many talented people, including Marshall. Please check out his Instagram account and give him some love! 

Thanks for reading!