
25 Free Prints - Free Free Free

Chloe Gordon4 Comments

You know those pesky advertisements that often pop up on your Instagram feed? The ones that you scroll by super fast thinking that if you don’t see it, they don’t exist? 

Well, guess what? Some of those advertisements are actually awesome. I was doing my daily (hah, more like hourly) scroll through Instagram yesterday and saw an ad for a company called Parabo Press. I had seen this advertisement two years saying “free 25 square prints,” and, while skeptical, I went ahead and ordered my free prints. Lemme tell you something, these are the highest quality prints I have ever ordered for free. So when I saw the advertisement for more free prints yesterday I got super pumped., giddy, and my blood started pumping a little faster.  

I just ordered my 25 prints and I can’t wait for them to come in the mail. They’re the perfect size to use to decorate your walls or bulletin board or fridge or whatever your little (big) heart desires.  

I promise these prints are of the highest quality, but honestly only paying $8 for shipping is worth anything, really. Well, maybe not anything, but, like, you get the point. 

GO GO GO order yours now!!! 
(and no, they aren’t paying me to say this, although they should in my not so humble opinion) 

Thanks for reading! 