
Check your ACT Test Dates-then check these 5 tips

The first item you should confirm in preparation for your ACTs is the ACT Test Dates so you can work back from them. After you check the ACT Test Dates, you should check these 5 tips to make sure you are adequately prepared for the ACTs. ? Getting the best score you possibly can on the ACTs involves some advance preparation, but it IS worth it.
Stephanie White, a well-respected ACT Tutor, shares her top 5 tips to help you prepare for and familiarize yourself with the ACTs:
1)? Start preparing at least 6 weeks in advance.? The ACT exam is a test about everything you have learned in the entire course of your education! You will be most successful if you give yourself enough time to complete at least 3 practice exams as well as lessons in between.? You cannot cram for a final exam over 12 years of material!
2) Focus on the math and English sections the most.? The math section covers so much material and you will need extra time to work on pacing in this section.? The English portion is repetitive and you can really increase your score if you get to know this section and master the format of their questions.
3) Take the ACT question of the day (http://www.actstudent.org/qotd/)? while you are preparing for the test.? You know you will be on the computer!? Before you check? popcosmo.com, Twitter, Facebook and all of your other usual sites, do this one question!? What's great about it is you should not take more than one minute to do it since pacing is very important on the ACT exam.? Just think, if you do 1 question a day for 6 weeks of studying, how many questions do you now have under your belt???? See, we just practiced for the math section.
4) Know the test.? How much time do you get for each section? How many questions are there?? Should I guess if I don't know an answer or skip the question?? What formulas do I need to know for the math section?? Any good ACT prep guide will walk you through these critical points so don't skip them and only do the practice questions.? Knowing the ins and outs of the exam will give you more confidence and less things to stress about while you are taking it.
5) Analyze your results and take the time to recognize your weaknesses.? As you prepare, every 2 weeks, look at your results and see if you are getting all of the geometry questions incorrect! If so, you know what you need to concentrate on before the exam. Maybe your lowest score is always? in the science section and you decide you need to allocate a little extra time to complete more practice in this area.? In other words, do not just aimlessly work your way through an ACT prep guide!? Take the time to assess your results and make adjustments to your studying to fill in the gaps.
PS - Be sure to get a good night's sleep the week of the test, and eat a healthy breakfast. Good luck!