
Cinco de Mayo Playlist

EXTRAS, MUSICKim & Chloe6 Comments

songs for cinco de mayo

Cinco de Mayo will be here before we know it. It's one of our favorite holidays and we used to throw killer Cinco de Mayo parties. Not only because there's a birthday in the house so it's double the reason to celebrate, but also because it's such a colorful holiday. It's one of the easiest parties to throw together because the theme is built-in for you, the decorations are plentiful and the color scheme is as wild as you want to make it. Piñatas, margaritas, crazy hats… you name it, everything is full of color! It's the perfect party for the whole family.

Whether you are having a fiesta, celebrating spring, a birthday, or just looking for an excuse to party… we have a Cinco de Mayo playlist for you.

Our Cinco de Mayo playlist on Spotify

spotify cinco de mayo


Happy listening!