

You're Lovely

BEAUTYKim & Chloe37 Comments

Self-image is a topic that is constantly being discussed by women. They are trying to tell us that we shouldn’t compare ourselves to the girls on the covers of magazines, and there are numerous videos that prove that women and girls underestimate their beauty, their smarts, and their overall affect on the world. Truth is, we don’t believe in ourselves as much as we should. We nitpick the smallest things and we always find faults within ourselves. I can post a “real” picture of me on Instagram and talk about my imperfections — that’s not hard. What is hard is asking me what I love about myself.

you wonderful wonderful thing youimage via Pinterest

Why is this question not asked more constantly? Why are we looked down upon or laughed at when we say what we love about ourselves? Why? These are real questions. I’m challenging you ask yourself what you love most about you and tell someone. Tell us! We want to know what you think your best feature is, whether that be physical or emotional or whatever. Confidence is the most amazing accessory that a girl can have (yes, confidence is even more amazing than a Chanel bag). So to kick things off, my mom and I are both going to list three things that we love about ourselves:

Chloe: the fact that my hair can be straightened or curled (and stay that way all day), the ability to laugh and make fun of myself, and my smile

Kim: my big lips (which took me a very long time to embrace), my love for my family, my adaptability

self esteem quote

image via Pinterest

Please leave us a comment telling us what you love most about yourself! This is a no judgment zone so don’t be afraid of what anyone else will think. You know yourself better than anyone else so you should be the one to tell us the best part about you!

xox ~chloe


Barre Class & Baristas

BEAUTYKim & Chloe12 Comments

Barre Class Tips

A few days ago I was chatting with my blog buds about whether or not we thought of ourselves as “sporty” people. In elementary school I always had the fastest mile time in P.E. and I was on a recreational swim team. In middle school I played a school sport every season and I also did recreational swimming. Then high school hit, I was sick with what I later found out was POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), and I lost all motivation to do anything athletic. Granted, being in bed for two years it's hard to do anything, but now that I’m feeling better I want to be sporty; at least sportier.

This past year a barre studio opened up in Louisville called B.You Fitness and I was thinking about taking a class for the longest time. Note: thinking about. Lucky for me, the studio had a discount for the new year that made the classes super inexpensive and I decided that I should leap on this opportunity. So I did. Yesterday I took my first barre class. And guess what? I loved it.

Tips about Barre Classphotos by Pink Owl Photography

I loved every single minute, every single move, and I even loved the instructor. I always seem to find the meanest instructors at different studios, except when I took Zumba in Denver, but in my barre class everyone who worked there was super sweet. So anyway, barre fitness is my new thing. People who do yoga are yogis, so I guess barre people are baristas? I’m a barista now.

Just go with it ;)

If you’re interested in taking a barre class, I totally recommend it! It’s not intimidating at all, and the moves are definitely do-able. In fact, if there’s a move that is especially hard the instructor typically gives an alternate move so that you feel you are getting the most out of your workout. Below are a few tips/insights on being a “barista”:

1. Bring water! You’re going to need it. 2. If you’re shaking during the workout, then you’re doing something right! Don’t feel like you look goofy, 'cause 'ya don’t. 3. Don’t compare yourself to other people in the class! Everyone’s bodies are different and you have to do what you can do, not what other people are doing. 4. Lululemon was a common theme. I wore an old tie-dye shirt, and stuck out a little bit. It was fine, but next time I think I’ll wear a more fashionable workout outfit. I wish those Athleta sparkle tights had been available in a size small!! Grrr... 5. Your body will feel weak the rest of the day and maybe the next. In fact, as I type this I can’t really feel my arms.

So there you have it! I can’t wait to go to another barre class tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day.

xoxo ~chloe

Have you ever taken a barre class? Did you like it? Any other fitness class suggestions for me… I'm keeping my resolution to work out!


The Power of Lip Balm

BEAUTYKim & Chloe8 Comments

best chapstick and lipgloss I can't sing… but Lil' Mama knows what she's rapping about and the power of lipgloss, so for those of you that are new around here (welcome to the cool kid’s club <-- video reference,  haha) there’s one thing that you need to know about me. I hate lipstick. I think it’s because my lips are pretty full (that’s a nice way of saying large) so I don’t like to exaggerate their fullness. But recently, I discovered Burt’s Bees tinted lipbalm. Oh em gee, this stuff is amazing. It’s basically chapstick with a slight tinge of color so you look like you care but you don’t really care. I usually like to look like I care, but didn't try too hard, so adding a slight hint of color to my lips makes a world of difference. Also, this tinted lip balm tastes pretty good which is important because, let’s face it, some lipstick tastes like you licked the inside of your grandma’s purse (a.k.a. disgusting). So please do yourself a favor, get off your booty and go buy some tinted lip balm. We all know Lil' Mama would have changed her the lyrics in her song Lip Gloss had she tried the tinted lip balm first!

xox  ~chloe

How to do an Easy French Manicure {Again}

BEAUTYKim & Chloe8 Comments

We're back with a follow-up to some of our most popular posts - How to do a French Manicure... Effortlessly and The New French Manicure! And the reason I wanted to try this technique is because I've changed the shape of my nails. Not to share too much information, but this fall with all my traveling and a recent trip to Denver which zapped every bit of moisture in me made my nails weaken and split. So, to make them a bit stronger, I changed the shape to make them a bit more square to hopefully stop the corners from splitting. Now the typical DIY Easy French Manicure I like to do isn't working anymore. But this one is, and it's just as easy, so give it a shot and let us know which one you like better. Plus, we think it will work for all nail sizes and widths! Easy French Manicure at home

Supplies needed: Base Coat Bandaids (at least 1 {it can be re-used} up to 5 if you prefer not to re-use) Tip color Scissors (to cut bandaid in 1/2)

bandaid french manicure

Step 1: Paint your nails you base color and let dry... or like us, wait a few days and enjoy a mani and use this method to extend a manicure a few more days!

how to do the easiest french manicure

Step 2: Cut band-aids in 1/2 and apply them to each finger with the tips exposed for your tip nail color. Be sure to press down firmly. Once the polish is almost dry, carefully remove the band-aid for perfect lines.

bandaid french manicure

Step 3: Apply a clear top coat and enjoy your very easy french manicure!! Here's another option in dark grey and silver:

bandaid french manicure

Enjoy your very easy french manicure and let us know which DIY french manicure you like best!

xo ~kim & chloe

Fall Hairstyles {PLL inspired}

BEAUTYKim & Chloe15 Comments

Ask my friends what tv shows what they watch and Pretty Little Liars is usually on everyone's list. Why? It might be the plot. If I could explain the plot to you in 10 pages (or less) I would, but I can't. There are so many twists in turns in a 1 hour show, that my head is usually spinning {in a good way}. Keeping me on the edge of my seat and wanting to know more, season after season, is definitely a key to the show's success. But I suspect the crucial factor in Pretty Little Liar's success is something more... something I love tuning in for: fashion and hairstyles. And I'm hunting for fall hairstyles!

PLL hairstyles My fall hairstyle created using Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Spray Heat Protect & Shine and Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Hairspray Boost & Lift, both available at Target

Using tv shows to find great clothes and hairstyles, I'd have to put the wardrobe and beauty style of the Pretty Little Liars girls at the top of my list. Since all the girls on the show have luscious long locks {and oddly enough - this was totally not planned - so do my friends!} I was thrilled that Vidal Sassoon Pro Series sponsored a party so we had an excuse to watch some tv and chat about fall hairstyles & fashion for inspiration!

And not only did they sponsor our party, Vidal Sassoon Pro Series has a Pin-it-to-Win-It sweepstakes for you to win a $1,000 Target GiftCard! 2 runners up will win $500 gift cards. Click here.

Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Party Time

Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Party

Pretty Little Liars hairstyles party

The plan was to watch the summer finale to get us in the mood for the upcoming PLL October 22nd special episode. I've realized that all through the summer, PLL girls wore beachy waves, and it may be fall, but beachy waves are still hot! So I decided to try the Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Spray to protect my hair and the Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Hairspray, both available at Target, to get ready for the party and to make it my go-to fall hairstyle. It's an easy style to do, and the hairspray really protected my hair from frizzing, even with all the rain! Here's how to create the look:

But instead of watching tv, we spent more time trying playing in our "salon." In fact, once we started talking about fall hairstyles, fashion, beachy waves, and PLL, Bethany and Barbara jumped in for a hair makeover and Elsa played a very convincing hairdresser! Um, Elsa... can you come by weekly?? I'll make the cupcakes!

Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Bethany

Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Barbara

how to create PLL hairstyle

Cute hairstyles from PLL

By the end of the night, not only did we all talk about our favorite fall hairstyles, we also picked our fave products. What are yours?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own, of course!

The NEW French Manicure

BEAUTYKim & Chloe23 Comments

French Manicures have been around since... wait, wait. Who wants to hear the history of the French Manicure? Not me. In fact, I have no idea how long they have been around. All I know is that they can look dull and boring unless you brighten them up a little bit. You might recall our viral pin of the neon yellow French Manicure? We still love it, but we needed something new. And we've got just the idea for our New French Manicure! Metallics are hot for fall {and beyond I'm sure}. What looks better than a strip of metallic accenting a nude or almost nude nail? Nothing. It's our new obsession!

new french manicure

The NEW French Manicure... here's how:

1. Paint your nails a neutral color, but make sure it is not a sheer color. You do not want the white part of your nail to be showing through the color. We chose Essie's Fiji (an opaque pink) for the Silver French Manicure and Essie's "A Crewed Interest" (a gorgeous peach) for the Gold French Manicure.

2. Let your nails dry completely.

3. Either take your manicure tape (discussed here) or use stickers or tape (discussed here) to create a crisp and clean french manicure line at the very TIP of your nail. The trick to making your french manicure modern is using a very thin line of color. Since Chloe's nails were more square, we used manicure tape on the tips, which was a perfect choice for her. Just be sure to use a few coats of clear polish to secure the mani tape! If yours are more rounded, the sticker trick from the "easiest french manicure" might be a good choice. Or you can use scotch, painter's tape or even use manicure tape to create a clean line.

new french mani silver

Voilà, no fuss, no muss, and so chic. Another idea to create the easiest french manicure ever, but this time, it's a new version of the french mani!

What do you think?