
Post-Grad Schedule

Chloe Gordon

Post grad life is a weird life, let me tell you. I keep seeing these memes about “post life depression,” and while I don’t have it that extreme, I definitely miss college. Real life has set in. This is the first time I’ve worn a sweater and not been in school. Weird, super weird. But it’s fine. I’m currently trying to embrace this post-grad culture. My mom said I should write a post about what I do. She said that a lot of people probably wonder what an unemployed, recently graduated, gal on the go does. 

But, the thing is, I don’t do that much. I’d do weekly reviews of my days, but I do the same thing. Every. Single Day. Do I hate it? No. Do I love it? Love is a strong word. But a day in the life of me consists of waking up (duh), feeding my grandfather’s dog then walking him for four miles, then I do the elliptical for 30 minutes. If I’m feeling fun, I’ll do like six sit-ups, but that rarely happens. I then make my way upstairs and create a beautiful green smoothie and piece of toast. I typically then shower and scroll through my phone. Not at the same time, but one after the other, obviously. 

Then, this is where it gets interesting. Usually, at this point in my day, I’ll get dressed and head to a coffee shop. Why, you ask? So I can have human interaction. I typically spend three to four hours in the coffee shop applying for jobs, reading blogs, scrolling around the internet before I start to get hungry. I then head back to my grandfather’s house, “make” lunch (it’s rally turkey slices and chips + salsa) and then mess around until he gets home from work or errands, depending on the day. We then eat dinner together. 

It’s a wild wild life my friends. So, hopefully, when I one day have a job, I can look back on these days and think about them fondly. In fact, I know I will. As much as it might sound like I dislike it, I truly appreciate it. I needed this break. I needed to hit the pause button and just be. Just be alone, and unsure, and uncomfortable. I think it’s good for me that I don’t know what’s next. I need this. I like this. 

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