
Teen Summer Jobs: how to get them!

Lauren Berger is known as "The Intern Queen" after completing 15 internships during college. She runs Internqueen, a free internship listing and college advice site for young people. Berger's first book, ALL WORK NO PAY, is available worldwide or you can purchase online here. Follow Lauren Berger, The Intern Queen, on Twitter for daily tips and advice!

Lauren shares her tips with you on how to find and get summer jobs and internships: With graduation and summer around the corner, we all must kick it into gear and get focused on our summer plans. I know many of you are thinking about a summer job or summer internship and I'm here to help. Below are three tips to get your Teen Summer Jobs and start your job search heading in the right direction:

1. COME UP WITH A PLAN & SCHEDULE!  My friends make fun of me because I always want to write out a schedule for everything. It keeps me organized and helps me accomplish everything I want (both personally and professionally). What does your plan look like for finding a summer job? Create a timeline for yourself. If you want to have a job or an internship by the end of June, you should probably start blocking out some time to research companies and send out applications. At certain places you need to physically go into the store, restaurant, or hotel to apply so schedule some time for that. It's all about getting organized so that you can go from point A to point B.
2. BUILD YOUR INTERVIEW WARDROBE. I know that many of you will be interviewing at part-time jobs. It's so important to dress professionally for your interviews - even if it's just at the local burger joint. You probably don't need to purchase anything new. Set aside your "interview wardrobe". You should have 2 different interview outfits that you rotate between. Items like business suits, blazers, black pants, cardigans, button-down shirts, and nice black pumps are good to have in your closet. If you get an interview at the last minute, you want to be able to run home, grab your professional outfit, and get to your interview.
3. REVIEW YOUR RESUME. For all of these positions, you are going to need your resume in tip top shape. Make sure that it's updated, formatted properly, and when refining your resume tailor it as much as possible for the position you are applying for. Constantly ask yourself, "how does my previous experience, make me the right person for the job?"