
Snap, Crackle, K-Pop

EXTRAS, MUSICKim & ChloeComment

Love bubble-gum pop, danceable beats and crazy fashion? ? Then plant your fanny, snatch some headphones and check out the latest craze from Korea...K-Pop (Korean pop music)! Songs are full of auto-tuned, catchy, dare-you-not-to-break-it-down pop goodness, and the beats are totally danceable by themselves.? But the videos are the real show-stoppers.? From coordinated? candy-colored outfits to dangerously spikey accessories and chainmaille armour hoodie vests, your senses will be assaulted with awesome!? And when K-Pop blows up in the U.S, ? you can totally say, "I listened to that before it was mainstream." Check these out right now and join the millions of adoring, crazed, intense fans...

Crave the shiny pants and killer heels.? 2NE1 I am the Best

Dance to this in front of your mirror!? Hyuna Bubble Pop!

Best use of silver make-up and man wigs.? Wonder Girls 2 Different Tears

They've inspired an entire fashion look: the "SHINee Trend"! SHINee RingDingDong